Non Cash Donations

Non-Cash Gifts to consider:

Farm Commodities, gifts of real estate, stocks, personal property (farm machinery, cars, car collections, etc.), Gift Annuities, naming Bethesda as owner or beneficiary of Life Insurance policy, etc.  

If you have interest and/or have questions regarding any of the above, please contact Matt Lehman Wiens at

Bethesda Home has partnered with Everence and the Mennonite Foundation to allow donors to gift a variety of other non-cash gifts via (Charitable Remainder Trusts, Donor Advised Funds, Pooled Income Funds, Charitable Lead Trusts, etc.). Learn more about the variety of options available for non-cash giving by contacting Mitch Stutzman, Stewardship Consultant at 877-467-7294 or via email  or

Estate Planning

Include Bethesda Home in your final wishes.  Contact Matt Lehman Wiens to learn more about various tools for giving a gift that keeps on giving –, or call 620-367-2291.

We look forward to helping you achieve your goals which in turn may benefit the ministry of  enriching the lives of Bethesda residents who may have made a difference in your life.